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Client Testimonial – releasing old patterns, negative triggers and emotions

Name/Age: Jolie S., 53 years old

What did life look like before EVOX? How you felt on a daily basis, internal thoughts, how you interacted with others, etc. In other words, what were some of the core limiting patterns you felt stuck in?

  • I had many pieces of my history, past trauma, etc. bottled up inside me on a loop and through EVOX and with Leigh Ann’s guidance I was able to release a lot of old patterns and negative triggers and emotions.

How quickly did you notice your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors begin to shift?

  • I noticed an initial shift after my first session, not as much during the actual session but after as I continued to process what came up for me and why. Each subsequent session has been more learning and growth and releasing and letting go of negative emotions and patterns.

What are the shifts you have noticed since starting EVOX in terms of how you feel internally and how your patterns have shifted?

  • I think EVOX has helped me sort out my feelings and understand the messages that my body is sending my way. It has helped me dissect what is causing my reaction (in my case I go into an immediate “FLIGHT” response) and helped me simultaneously solve the problem and soothe my internal message in a way that is calming and restorative. I have felt consistently more grounded and less anxious even when I am triggered by something or someone.

How has it affected your relationships/family? What other things shifted in your life that you didn’t think were related to the topic you were focusing?

  • I am still sorting through how this will help with these relationships, in some ways it is giving me tools to deal with the inevitable triggers that these relationships bring with them. I know that I cannot change others but I can absolutely change how I react to others, what boundaries I set and how I uphold these boundaries consistently.

What do you like about EVOX/working with Leigh Ann that is different from other modalities or practitioners you have tried in the past?

  • I like that Leigh Ann is holistically invested in my success and progress, not just as a practitioner of this unique modality but also on a human level she plays an important role in guiding our sessions and at the same time empowering me to continue working well beyond our dedicated sessions. She has also had excellent suggestions for additional modalities and services that have been helpful in my health and healing on this journey.

Any words of encouragement for anyone considering trying EVOX Therapy?

  • I have done a great deal of experimenting in my quest to align my mind and body in a well-regulated and healthy way. EVOX is one of the first modalities that I have seen an almost immediate positive effect that doesn’t end with the session but actually develops further as I process the session and what came up for me. I think EVOX will have a positive effect on anyone willing to try it and I believe that it will benefit you in ways your body needs, it is a very individual experience and holistic in the way it brings you into alignment and flow.

Anything else you would like to share!

  • A huge thank you to Leigh Ann for sharing her gifts!