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Client Testimonial – Less Triggered & Stressed, Better Communication & Confidence

Name/Age: Anonymous, 47 years old

What did life look like before EVOX? How you felt on a daily basis, internal thoughts, how you interacted with others, etc. In other words, what were some of the core limiting patterns you felt stuck in?

  • Before EVOX, there were many things that triggered me throughout my day. This affected me to the point of not sharing my feelings or preferences with others, even with my spouse.

How quickly did you notice your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors begin to shift?

  • After my first several EVOX sessions, I noticed more ease in communication.

What are the shifts you have noticed since starting EVOX in terms of how you feel internally and how your patterns have shifted?

  • Now, when I am talking in a meeting, I am able to say what I want to say without the anticipatory anxiety and then there is very little judgment against myself about what I did say.

How has it affected your relationships/family? What other things shifted in your life that you didn’t think were related to the topic you were focusing?

  • Now, I am able to communicate more with my family about my feelings and preferences without worry.

What do you like about EVOX/working with Leigh Ann that is different from other modalities or practitioners you have tried in the past?

  • I really appreciate the online capacity as it is much easier to schedule and take the time to get a session in.

Any words of encouragement for anyone considering trying EVOX Therapy?

  • EVOX is great! You uncover all these layers that you did not even know were there!