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Client Testimonial – overcoming grief after loss, finding hope, courage and peace

Name/Age: Lidia M., 30 years old

What did life look like before EVOX? How you felt on a daily basis, internal thoughts, how you interacted with others, etc. In other words, what were some of the core limiting patterns you felt stuck in?

  • Before EVOX, my grief felt like a crushing weight on my chest and like nothing mattered. I was depressed, unable to break free or move forward. I withdrew from loved ones, struggled to focus at work, and even basic self-care felt impossible.

How quickly did you notice your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors begin to shift?

  • I noticed changes as quickly as the first session. I vividly remember coming out of my session with Leigh Ann and feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. For the first time in a year, I felt like things were going to be okay. I found myself feeling so much love for myself for having the courage to face my pain and start healing.

What are the shifts you have noticed since starting EVOX in terms of how you feel internally and how your patterns have shifted?

  • With EVOX I immediately had a shift in my perspective. I can now see a path forward that I couldn’t see before and I’ve noticed a shift in how I’m feeling. I feel more hopeful about my life and my future. And I’ve noticed that I no longer get triggered by things that would remind me of my grief.
  • Leigh Ann has helped me process and release subconscious beliefs that were holding me back. And thanks to this I’ve noticed that I’m taking care of myself more, and caring for my health. I also find myself feeling more grateful for my life and for my ability to move forward.

How has it affected your relationships/family? What other things shifted in your life that you didn’t think were related to the topic you were focusing?

  • I’ve found that my relationship with my loved ones has gotten stronger ever since I started EVOX. I’ve been able to understand generational trauma that’s been in my family and I see that I have more grace and empathy towards my loved ones now. I started EVOX focusing on the topic of grief. I’ve been surprised that the topic of feeling unworthy, feeling like I don’t deserve love, and being scared to be visible has come up. Leigh Ann has helped me work through these limiting beliefs and I feel so much lighter and happier because of this shift.

What do you like about EVOX/working with Leigh Ann that is different from other modalities or practitioners you have tried in the past?

  • EVOX therapy with Leigh Ann is the first therapy I have ever gone to, and I can’t see myself going anywhere else. Leigh Ann is able to hold space for me and guide me through the subconscious beliefs that I didn’t even know I had. I love the holistic approach that Leigh Ann has and the online community that she has created. Through The Uplevel Lab, she is able to provide support outside of our sessions with her meditations and somatic practices. Whenever I find myself feeling anxious or overwhelmed I’m able to go online into the Soothing Sanctuary and I can find practices I can do in order to regulate my nervous system and ground myself. Leigh Ann has gone above and beyond to help us reduce anxiety, support our nervous system, clear self-limiting beliefs, and release repressed emotions.

Any words of encouragement for anyone considering trying EVOX Therapy?

  • EVOX therapy has been life changing for me and I encourage everyone I know to give it a try. Go in with an open mind and you’ll notice changes in yourself after your first session. You’ll not only be able to discover the root causes of some beliefs but you’ll get to understand yourself better as well.

Anything else you would like to share!

  • Leigh Ann is incredible at helping you work through trauma and release repressed emotions. She’s able to help you peel back the layers of your self-limiting beliefs and really get to the root cause of it all. I’ve learned so much about myself and the subconscious beliefs that I’ve been carrying all my life. And by releasing these I feel like I have been freed and able to move forward in my life with ease and clarity.